Attempting re-entry… in a Smoking Jacket

As the energy crisis threatens our equilibria’s living arrangements, I thought it would be best to attempt re-entry into the blogging sphere, So, in my upcoming blogs I’m going to talk again about my food shopping bill, recipes, clothes, wardrobe, general wellbeing, and living stylishly on a budget, and just being a little bit more sustainable than perhaps we used to be.

Ode to a troll darlings….

Darlings, if like me, you had an unfortunate run in with a person who was trolling your FB page last night, then do not be disheartened darlings, this always says more about the person dishing out the mean comments than it does about yourself. Apparently the said person had postulated that I was out ofContinue reading “Ode to a troll darlings….”

Eloquence to Elegance…

Darlings, if like me, your day will be mostly set in the confines of your own home finding 1,500 academic words about the scandal of the 1913 New York ‘Armory Show’ to add to the 1,000 fabulous words already written yesterday, then you will need to put your Sunday bling on, and I mean yourContinue reading “Eloquence to Elegance…”

Cherie Blair – Hurricane Hair darlings…

Darlings, if like me, you are under house arrest this whole weekend as you have essay deadlines of the 12th December, and you really have not yet started, yes let’s be honest, you really have NOT yet started, then you will be chained to the desk with scribe in hand. Now darlings, I shan’t be goingContinue reading “Cherie Blair – Hurricane Hair darlings…”

For every negative there is a positive… that is the law

Darlings, if like me, you feel like you are currently housed inside your washing machine and it is set on the spin cycle, then do remember that this is just that ‘a cycle’ and it will pass darlings. It never lasts terribly long, so do ride it out, try to enjoy the spinning energy and be rest assured thatContinue reading “For every negative there is a positive… that is the law”

Confidence Confidence Confidence darlings….

Darlings, if like me, you are currently undergoing the pre-stages of employ, then you will be meeting rounds and rounds of possible new employers. My preferable interview technique is to listen to Bronski Beat’s ‘You are my world’ on repeat whilst walking to location of interview, an instant high darlings, and yesterday I opted toContinue reading “Confidence Confidence Confidence darlings….”

Experiment Experiment Experiment Darlings….

Darlings, if like me, you are fond of a little experimentation, then do investigate, otherwise how will you know what you like, and our preferences change over time darlings…. I recall in the not too distant past of 2013 that my routine of an evening (most evenings darlings) was 2 bottles of wine intermingled withContinue reading “Experiment Experiment Experiment Darlings….”

Production Production Production Darlings….

Darlings, if like me, you do love a bit of self development, and are currently reprogramming your ‘internal being’ for maximum creative and spiritual output, then you will have woken up languishing in bed at 05:00am slightly akin to an afghan hound (now that I’m naturally blonde of course, this is my sleeping dog), howeverContinue reading “Production Production Production Darlings….”

Bring out your inner instrument darlings…..

Darlings, if like me, you have been up since 5am kick starting your day with a few life savers: S = Silence, A = Affirmations, V = Visualisation, E = Exercise, R = Reading, S = Scribing…. then you will have found your inner pop star whilst skirting the perimeter of your local park wearing yourContinue reading “Bring out your inner instrument darlings…..”

Day 8 Darlings of the “Ten Day Little Black Dress Challenge”

Day 8 darlings……. a casual little outfit darlings, whilst I take care of my Vienna Secessionism essay. Xx